It sometimes feels like our task in life is to blow up the
perfect beach ball. We are constantly bombarded with images of the perfectly
rounded life, a saintly life, a celebrity life, a corporate brand life, a
supermodel life, a perfect body life, an eternal life, a perfectly healthy and
happy life. When we try to inflate our lives and compare it to such perfection
it is inevitable we will feel disappointed. But that’s the point of these empty
projections of the perfect beach ball; they make you feel inadequate so you
compensate by subscribing to their belief or buying their product. It’s as if
someone is punching you in the face and saying, “follow me, I know how to stop
the punches…” and you follow!
All lives are messy,
half inflated, punctured and repaired beach balls. There is no such thing as
perfect; it is a fallacy of reason: to know perfection is to view a perfect
thing perfectly but we have a limited point of view (our point of
We should never take our beach ball for granted, we should
bounce, treasure and enjoy it now (with repair kit in hand!) because
something like Parkinson’s will come along and try to spoil the fun…